
Bernafon tilbehør

Everything in Bernafon Hearing Aids Accessories and Maintenance 

Bernafon has developed hearing aids since 1946 and have as a stated goal to surpass their customer’s expectations. This is for instance to be done by providing extra value for users of their hearing aids. The company is represented globally via a distributor in more than 70 countries.  


Through Swiss engineering technology and precision, people with impaired hearing can continue to get an authentic listening experience. The goal is that hearing aid users again can participate socially without limits. Alt thanks to the advanced technology.  


At, you will find everything you need to optimally maintain your Bernafon hearing aids. In addition, you can find wireless accessories to expand your Bernafon hearing aid.  


Bernafon wireless accessories 

All wireless accessories from Bernafon are of course developed specifically for your Bernafon hearing aid. When you combine your hearing aid with the wireless, most people will experience a noticeable improvement in quality of life. Suddenly, you can better participate in social events and have the opportunity to enjoy more experiences.  


For example, Bernafon Sound Clip-A can help make the sound clearer during conversations. This goes for both regular conversations and phone conversations. The sound is streamed directly to your hearing aids. This happens either by using Sound Clip-A like a microphone or to stream the sound hands free from your phone to your hearing aids.  


SoundGate is a different wireless microphone that is carried by your conversational partner and streams wirelessly. The microphone captures and filters the voice of your companion from the surrounding environment. So, it is optimal if you are in a restaurant, for example. It works at up to 15 meters’ distance, which opens up for even more opportunities.  


Watch TV with your hearing aids 

It might sound a bit silly, but most hearing aid users find that the TV volume has to be turned up a lot. This is often an uncomfortable experience for others watching TV, and the sound is still not optimal for the hearing aid user.  


To that end, the Bernafon TV-A adapter was created. With this accessory, you can hear the sound very clearly from your TV, as it is streamed wirelessly from the TV-adapter to your hearing aids. Of course, you will get the sound in Dolby Digital stereo quality. Both connection and operation is very simple, and you can even connect several user at the same time.  


Another popular accessory is the RC-A remote control. With a remote control you can adjust your hearing aids with the help of large, visible buttons. The Bernafon remote control is small and discreet but can be a big help on a daily basis. For instance, you can adjust the sound volume on your hearing aid in an easy and practical manner. 


Remember to maintain your hearing aid 

If you want the most out of your hearing aids for a long time, then maintenance is key. One thing is to have spare batteries lying around, but do you also remember to clean your hearing aids? We have a vast assortment of products for both cleaning and maintenance of Bernafon hearing aids.  


If you have questions about Bernafon accessories or maintenance, then do not hesitate to contact us. You will find our contact info below.